i'm starting this blog at a curious time, to say the least...i've been (miserably) attempting a cleanse (strongly) suggested by a dear friend. it's basically 10 loooooong days of eating (mostly drinking, really) fruits and vegetables (preferably raw). okay, now this might work for some, but i've been starting my mornings with a strong cup of coffee (most recently 2 shots of espresso delivered by my new best friend, the nespresso machine) for the past (fill in the blank) years. it took me two and a half days to realize that I can't possibly get through this on liquids alone (the green smoothie only tasted slightly good when i was enthusiastically starting on day one). this thing grows on you, though, and other than adding some quinoa, brown rice, and lentils (ok, and some beans), and cooking (oh so slightly) my vegetables, i've been feeling pretty good so far...

and we are at day 7 (yes, there's been some slight cheating-it was a social week end)! yesterday i decided to roast my cauliflower & broccoli (rather than dutifully blending them with orange juice for an oh so delicious smoothie). it was so good that i will continue using the recipe long after (in 3 days) this cleanse is over. i was in such a rush to eat the vegetables (you can imagine how hungry i am these days) that i forgot to take pictures of them cooked, but trust me, they looked good enough to eat! see the recipe below:
Oven Roasted Cauliflower & Brocolli:

take a whole head of (preferably organic) cauliflower and slice it from one end to the other, then cut theses slices in half. prepare your broccoli the same way(they need to lay flat), then line the vegetables up on a sheet pan. drizzle with a small amount of extra virgin olive oil (sesame oil also works well), sprinkle with sea salt (prefer maldon), red pepper flakes (cayenne), and cumin.
here i added some sweet small organic tomatoes, and they roasted beautifully. slow roast at 350 degrees for about 30 minutes. you can do this with almost any vegetable, and it's super easy and delicious. next time i'll make sure to take an after picture.


roasted vegetables for dinner (yes, again)!


joan's soup: vegetarian lentil, quinoa, & mung bean soup with kale